I noticed that
Cool Cat Teacher discussed the launch of YouTube Edu and was intrigued. This is what I found. YouTube launched a new section of its site March 29. The site organizes the video channels of more than 100 colleges and universities--no mention of K-12 though.According to
Andrew Leville, "YouTube Edu lets viewers sort clips by school or number of views, and the schools offer content ranging from complete courses to campus events to information for prospective students. Currently, University of Minnesota commands the top spots, with videos on the science of “Watchmen” and HIV/AIDS advancements, but there’s also “Advanced Finite Elements Analysis,” a lecture from the Indian Institutes of Technology, and a mass performance of University of Kansas’s alma mater among the most-viewed."According to the
YouTube blog, "Using YouTube as a vehicle to democratize learning is one of the coolest, unintended outcomes of its existence. YouTube EDU is a volunteer project sparked by a group of employees who wanted to find a better way to collect and highlight all the great educational content being uploaded to YouTube by colleges and universities."