Saturday, June 7, 2008

Educational Social Networking Opportunity

This post just came through on the POD Network.

You and anyone at your institution are invited to join Weekly
Innovations (, your one stop shop for higher education news, free trainings and online collaboration. This social networking site for educators will feature monthly interviews with experts via podcast, free trainings, helpful resources and useful insight for you and your colleagues. Below are some examples of the services we provide.
  • Monthly Podcast: Retaining Underprepared Students with Dr. Jim Black
  • Websites:,, Leaders in Education (NYtimes)
  • Videos: Future Technology and Education: The Emotion Factor, Good for a Laugh - A Politically Correct Admissions Video Gone Wrong, A Vision of Today's Students
  • On-Demand training of the month: Creating Learning Communities to Enhance Student Success
  • Questions: Who is the best speaker you have ever seen?
Weekly Innovations can also offer:
  1. Free Trainings
  2. Personalized online discussion groups for your school, department or area of interest
  3. A $50 discount on all Innovative Educators' events including our new selection of on-demand trainings:
  5. The ability to search colleagues on our site that might share the same interest as you. You can search a job title, school or general keyword and see what comes up.
  6. The opportunity to network with other colleagues to share best practices, files, strategies and more.
  7. A place to post jobs - simply email us postings and we'll feature jobs as they come in.
  8. More opportunities to connect online. Offer us suggestions and we'll make it happen.

For more information, contact Valerie Kisiel (303-775-6004) or
Visit - your one stop shop for higher education
news, collaboration and innovation!

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